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Project | 01

Project | 01 Masters of Disaster

Detecting, predicting and warning about hazards help populations evacuate and/or seek shelter. You are part of an engineering team. As part of this team you must design a bridge that will withstand a natural disaster in order to lessen the damage effects on society.

Project | 02

Project | 02 Think Digital

Perceptions of people and events are very much dependent upon who you are and what your experience has been. Events in Ferguson and Baltimore, among others, highlight our misunderstandings of each other, and how the same facts can be interpreted entirely differently. Recent studies have proven that stories can change perceptions and even make people more tolerant. Rather than wait to be defined by others, it's important to learn to create understanding by sharing their story, their worldview, their concerns, and their triumphs with others. In this project, students create digital stories in order to express themselves. 

Project | 03

Project | 03 The Power of One

HOW CAN INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS INFLUENCE SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND ECONOMIC CHANGE? Students learn persuasive skills and apply them in a marketing campaign in order to create a change in their communities. 

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